By allocating the acquisition cost of long-lived assets over the years which benefit from the use of these assets, we stress again the importance of the matching principle. 通过将长期资产的获取成本分配到收益年度中去,我们再一次强调了配比原则的重要性。
Fixed assets are the long-lived assets used in the production of goods or services. 固定资产是在产品和服务的生产过程中使用的寿命较长的资产。
A key characteristic of both companies is the huge investment they have in very long-lived, regulated assets, with these funded by large amounts of long-term debt that is not guaranteed by Berkshire. 这两个公司的关键特点是,他们都大量投资受管制的长期资产,而他们通过长期负债取得的资金没有得到伯克希尔的担保。
Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets. An interrupt that occurs independently of the processor such as upon completion of an input/ output operation. 与有形长期资产一样,无形资产的价值在资产生命期中不断递减。不受处理机制约而产生的一种中断,例如输入输出操作一旦完成而产生的中断。
They do not want to accumulate so many long-lived assets that it becomes impossible to raise interest rates when they need to do so. 他们不想累积过多的长期资产,以免在需要提高利率时被捆住手脚。
Like tangible long-lived assets, the value of the intangible assets is declining during the life of the assets. 与有形长期资产一样,无形资产的价值在资产生命期中不断递减。
The term plant assets ( or plant and equipment) describes long-lived assets acquired for use in business operations rather than for resale to customers. 长期资产指的是为企业经营而非为销售给客户所购的存续期较长的资产。
Effects of chronic alcohol intake on serum glucose and insulin of rats Long-Lived Assets 长期摄入酒精对大鼠血糖和胰岛素的影响
Dinner Out Long-Lived Assets 在外晚餐长期资产
The study of planetary secular perturbations long-lived assets 行星长期摄动研究
Long-Lived Assets The Stability of Autonomous Orbit Determination with Onboard GPS 星载GPS自主定轨的长期稳定性
Long-Lived Assets These results indicate that the thyrotropin β subunit gene is highly conserved in the progress of evolution. 说明TSHβ亚基在长期的进化中相当保守。
The Ct infection is refractory for treatment, patients can still become carriers for Ct even after prolonged treatment, Clearview antigen detection is negative if FQ-PCR copy < 10 6 in Ct carriers. Long-Lived Assets 沙眼衣原体感染者经治疗后延长治疗期仍可长期携带衣原体,实验显示为荧光定量PCR法检测携带者在<106拷贝时,Clearv
Long-Lived Assets Further clinical effects for this procedure need more cases and longer term follow-up. 远期临床疗效尚需更多的病例和更长期的随访。
Percolation Structure of Concrete under Sustained Loading Long-Lived Assets 长期载荷作用下混凝土的渗流结构
Study on reinforcement ratio in reinforced concrete column under long-term load long-lived assets 钢筋混凝土柱在长期荷载下的配筋率研究
Corneal alteration irradiated by UVB in guinea pig Long-Lived Assets 长期紫外线B辐射对豚鼠角膜的损伤作用
The new accounting standards rule, once asset impairment is confirmed, it can not be turned back in subsequent accounting period, and this standard is applied to the long-lived assets, such as fixed asset, intangible asset, in-progress, long-term investment. 新准则规定,资产减值一经确认,在以后的会计期间不得转回,而这项具体准则适用的资产正是固定资产、无形资产、在建工程、长期投资等长期资产。
The concept of impairment of long-lived assets was a creation of the development of human society and the needs of economic management, and then it was developed and improved constantly. 长期资产减值的概念是随着人类社会的发展和经济管理的需要而产生、发展和不断完善起来的。